Thursday, June 05, 2008

My Little Punky

Pia amazes me daily. She's SO smart and has quite a personality already!

Here are some fun stories/things she does:

She loves being on the couch. For a little while, she couldn't get up there on her own, so she figured out that she could push the wipe container over and stand on it - then climb.

Any music at all she's dancing - she loves it! I swear it's in her blood. The girl can get down!

Yesterday, she threw a major fit, and I started laughing uncontrollably at her - it was hilarious. Well, she didn't think so, as she got up, walked over to me and pinched the shit out of my arm.

Today, I pulled the laughing at her during a fit again, only this time she turned the tables - laughing and pointing at me!

Aside from those, here's an update on her.

She now has a total of 8 teeth, 4 on top, 4 on the bottom. She's walking like a champ, and signing really great as well. She knows the signs for baby, more, eat, baba, daddy, mommy, kiss, and ball! I'm very proud of her and she picked it up remarkably fast. She's still not sleeping through the night, but typically just wakes up and eats, goes back to sleep. All in all she's a real joy - loves Nana completely, is cuddly and a total mama's girl. I'm head over heels! And I can't believe she's 1!

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