Saturday, June 07, 2008

3 is the new 2

Terrible twos are a joke when you have a three year old. I know I've bitched about it before, but here I go again.

I think three's are worse because the little shits get smarter. They figure out exactly which buttons to push, and are very, very clever.

We're in the "why" phase - so.freakin.annoying. Seriously. I've not loathed a word so much since she learned to say mama (yes, mama is endearing in the beginning, but only the beginning). Everything I say is met with why - and every answer to why is met with another why and so on. I've resorted to the dreaded "because I said so" - and I figured out why mom's across the world use it - because it shuts them up for 5 freakin minutes. Yes, I'm "that" mom. Whatever.

I also get "but I want it", "it will make me happy", or "but mama" - said in the whiniest voice EVEA. Three is also when their independent streak is really out in full force. It takes forever to get dressed because "I do it myself". It's a huge struggle for me to sit and watch when I *know* I could do it much faster. The control freak in me is really at odds with the mom in me.

I'm now realizing just how hard it is to be a strong, stubborn, single minded mom. You have to overcome soooo much. I'm not even close to being the type of mom I long to be. I'm a work in progress - that likely will never be complete.

1 comment:

jordan said...

I seriously just laughed so damn hard.

"The little shits just get smarter."

Ain't it the truth?